What’s It Like To Live in a Retirement Community?

a group of people sitting around a table

Whether you’re looking for a retirement community for yourself or for a loved one, it is important to first understand what needs you are looking to have fulfilled. For some, a retirement home may require constant care and supervision for those who have more severe needs. For others, they may be simply looking for a […]

Coping With Financial Loss After a Slip and Fall Accident

a person working on a laptop

Minor accidents may have a short-term impact on your activities. For example, if you slice your thumb with a butcher knife, it might be tricky to wash dishes and keep your wound dry. Fortunately, you can recover from minor accidents within a day or two and resume normal activities. Major accidents result in serious injuries […]

How To Cope With a Loved One’s Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

a group of people seated in a circle

Learning that someone you love has Alzheimer’s Disease can be extremely overwhelming. Whether the friend, family member or partner you love is experiencing mild symptoms of dementia and has mild cognitive impairment or is well into the more extreme symptoms of Alzheimer’s, it can be hard to know what to do first after getting an […]

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