More and more individuals are making strides to improve the planet’s health. From finding companies to help with used cooking oil collection to doing more research about your energy tariffs, there are plenty of ways that Australians are making changes to make the environment a better place. That said, there’s some misinformation surrounding what sorts of energy tariffs make the most sense to choose, and how exactly each tariff affects a household’s bottom line. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you’re wondering which energy tariff is right for you.
The four main types of electrical tariffs are time-of-use tariffs, single-rate tariffs, demand tariffs, and controlled load tariffs. Time-of-use tariffs adjust their pricing based on what time of day it is. For example, if you’re using the electricity during a peak time of the week, you’ll pay more money for that energy consumption than you would at an off-peak time. Conversely, a single-rate tariff applies the same pricing no matter what time of day you’re accessing your electricity.
For people who want to have a fixed cost in their budget, single-rate tariffs may be the best option. Demand tariffs rely on smart meters to look at how much stress you put on consuming energy. If you are using multiple appliances at once, the demand will read as higher and you will be charged accordingly. It’s also worth noting that controlled load costs may also be applied to specific appliances that consume a lot of power. For example, if you use electric heating, that fixture may have its own energy tariff separate from the rest of your household.
Although an energy tariff has both fixed and variable charges, there are some ways you can reduce the amount of electricity or gas you rely on each month. By reducing your energy consumption, you can not only save money on your bills, but it’s also possible to reduce your negative impact on the environment. One of the easiest ways to reduce the amount of electricity your household consumes is to switch to energy-efficient appliances and LED lightbulbs. Another option for some households is to use power strips that ensure devices that are plugged in but not in use don’t suck extra energy from your power grid.
It’s also important to remember to turn off computers when you’re not using them and to turn off lights when you’re no longer in a room. If you’re interested in reducing your energy consumption at work, too, it may be possible to only use half the overhead lights in your office without compromising visibility. If your home or workplace has a lot of windows or natural light, that may be another way to avoid using lights as often. While all of these are small, simple changes to make to your lifestyle and energy habits, they add up when it comes to reducing costs and helping the environment.
If you want a good deal on your utilities, it’s not a bad idea to compare electricity prices with iSelect. When you compare energy providers with iSelect, it’s easy to understand what sorts of fees are associated with your energy bill, and how you can save more money. Getting better offers and an overall picture of a range of energy providers is easy using iSelect, because it tailors its results to information about you and your home.
For example, you start by entering some information about your suburb or postal code, as well as some other details about your household and your ideal energy plan. From there, iSelect lets you compare and filter energy providers based on your personal preferences and needs. Once you’ve found the electricity provider you’re most interested in using, it’s easy to make the switch and get connected.