Resources That Help Employees Achieve Work Life Balance

Every good employer knows that burning their employees out will ultimately decrease productivity. All work and no play makes just about anyone as dull as they come. Besides that, ensuring they don’t work beyond their limit is simply the humane thing to do.

Of course, employers shouldn’t bear all the weight of ensuring their employees strike a balance. But, there’s a lot of peace of mind and increased efficiency that comes with taking some responsibility there. With that in mind, here are some resources to help your employees strike a work-life balance.

1. Offer workplace wellness programs.


You bear no responsibility for what your employees do when they’re off the clock. But while they are on office grounds, it’s a good idea to incorporate wellness programs. You see, a good employee wellness program offers numerous health benefits (both physical health and mental health). Regardless of your company’s scale, employee wellness is a big part of ensuring there’s a balance.

Wellable is an integrated solution that employees can use to provide organizations with clear-cut programs for employee wellness. They offer customizable options so companies can concentrate on specific goals and plans. There’s also an app available that makes it an easy to use option since it integrates with top consumer wellness apps.

In addition to ease of use, with such programs, different challenges and hurdles are guaranteed to engage employees on a number of levels. All their services are available in different magnitudes and for different prices to fit the needs of various scales of business.

2. Offer perks and incentives.


Sometimes, time off isn’t the only way to alleviate the stress of having no life outside the office. Ask yourself, are there any services or benefits you can give your employees to encourage a healthy lifestyle, save them time and money, or alleviate stress? Some of these things may not necessarily come at a high cost, but they go a long way to make things easier.

It could come in the form of a subsidized gym fee, discounts at places they run their errands, company cars, or an auto insurance policy on their personal vehicle. Speaking of car insurance, many sites like iSelect will help you streamline the process of comparing car insurance coverage. Rather than depending on a car insurance quote from one insurance company, the service gives users access to a range of providers.

They also ensure that each applicant receives guidance until they’re matched with the right insurance plan. To further corroborate that effect, there are qualified consultants available for users who want to call in for a comparison.

3. Encourage them to work smart, not hard.

Just because your employees are toiling round the clock, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re doing a great job. Rather than sticking to mundane processes, it’s crucial to automate as much as possible. Automate some emails, cloud services, and even your HR systems.

Automating a human resource management system can save the HR department a lot of time and equally streamline work for other departments. A Human Resource Information System (HRIS) encompasses the primary HR functions a company needs to keep things running.

There are many platforms that provide comprehensive HR software to organizations. These HRIS systems not only offer Applicant Tracking (ATS) and resume management but also stores documents and employee data. More so, they works hand-in-hand with payroll software, reduce paperwork, and keep track of employee training processes. This, of course, is among other duties and benefits of an HRIS and introducing technology to the HR process.

4. Time off is vital for better productivity.


Let’s bring it back to the basics — some good old fashioned time off is the best way to ensure that your employees lead a healthier lifestyle. Try as much as possible to discourage carrying over vacation days because it leads to employee burnout.

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